Orihiro Haritsuya Suppon Collagen 60 Tablets

JPY 2,921 (without tax)

Addition points:29pt

Product code: 4571157256016

Manufacturer: Orihiro Corporation
Capacity: 60 tablets
Country of origin: turtle powder: Japan (Sasaki)
Product description: ★ Uses Hizen Yamato Suppon from Saga Prefecture.
★ Suppin is famous as a health material, but is also eaten as a beauty food due to its excellent amino acid balance.
★ It is also known as a food that contains plenty of collagen and is very popular with women.
Ingredients: Refined fish oil, powder without makeup, silk peptide, cherry blossom extract, enzymatically treated swallow's nest, gelatin, glycerin, emulsifier, beeswax, caramel pigment, extracted V.E
Nutritional content: 2 products (1060mg): Hizen Yamato Suppin Powder 200mg Silk Peptide 50mg Cherry Blossom Extract 20mg Swallow's Nest Powder 10mg
Calories: 6kcal / 2 tablets
Note: Avoid direct sunlight, heat and humidity, please save in a cool place, after opening, please enjoy early regardless of expiration date.

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