Deanatura Zinc, Maca, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 30 days 60 capsules

JPY 1,420 (without tax)

Addition points:14pt

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Support vitality with zinc and maca, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6!
Two tablets contain 14mg of zinc, maca extract powder, and vitamins B1 and B6.
You can also take arginine and ornithine together.
Recommended for those who want to live a lively daily life.
● Zinc
It is a nutrient required to maintain a normal taste.
Nutrients that contribute to protein and nucleic acid metabolism and help maintain health.
Nutrients that help maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin B1
Nutrients that help produce energy from carbohydrates and maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin B6
Nutrients that help produce energy from proteins and maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.

★ Recommended for
● Person who is worried about balance of meal
● Those who want to take various ingredients at once
● Those who want to work hard every day

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