Denatura Style Zinc x Multivitamin 20 days 20 capsules

JPY 1,410 (without tax)

Addition points:14pt

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Easily replenish zinc and multivitamins with one grain!
One tablet contains 14 mg of zinc and 14 types of vitamins including vitamin-like substances. Recommended for those who want to send a crisp everyday.
● Zinc
It is a nutrient required to maintain a normal taste. Zinc is a nutrient that contributes to protein and nucleic acid metabolism and helps maintain health. Zinc is a nutrient that helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin B1
Nutrients that help produce energy from carbohydrates and maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin B2
Nutrients that help maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin B6
Nutrients that help produce energy from proteins and maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
● Vitamin E
It is a nutrient that protects lipids in the body from oxidation by antioxidant action and helps maintain cell health.

★ Recommended for
● Person who is worried about balance of meal
● Those who are concerned about lack of vegetables
● Those who want to take various ingredients at once
● Those who want to work hard every day

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