Cogit Good night pants black M size

JPY 2,320 (without tax)

Addition points:23pt

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Pelvic correction while sleeping!
If you're crushing your hips while sleeping ...
Pelvic support in software! Kutto hip makeup!
Because I won't tighten my stomach, I can sleep well!
● Return the pelvis to the correct position while sleeping to correct body distortion.
● Because the correction belt is attached only to the pelvis and buttocks, the stomach is relaxed.
● Ideal for postpartum correction.
-The crotch part has a cotton crotch (crotch cloth), so you can wear it as pants.
● Two correction belts at the top and bottom. This belt supports your pelvis and lifts your buttocks.
-Since the rise in the cold of the stomach in the summer air conditioning and the cold in the winter is deep, cover the stomach well!

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